Defend yourself with Microsoft 365 Defender

Phishing can lose you a lot of money and expose sensitive information. Microsoft 365 Defender can dramatically mitigate this risk with several features.  Phishing attacks are a severe threat to your business. These fraudulent actions can cause your team members to accidentally share financial, customer, and account information with cybercriminals.  How does this happen? The...

Télé-travail & Données d’entreprises – Comment contruire une meilleur cybersécurité ?

Selon une étude, 90% des Canadiens se disent être productifs en télé-travail. Sans l’ombre d’un doute le travail à distance présente de nombreux avantages, mais qu’en est-il de la cybersécurité? Comment protéger vos données d’entreprises? Bien connaître la réglementation des données Selon le CPA (Cybersécurité et protection des données du Canada) “De nos jours, plus...

8 Best practice of Managed Service Provider (MSP) and IT provider (ITSP) in preventing cyber criminals

Why MSP and ITSP ? An effective way to bolster your business’s data security is to work with a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or I.T. Service Provider (ITSP). They address network vulnerabilities to prevent cybercriminals from exploiting them. Besides monitoring and organizing your servers, a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or I.T. Service Provider (ITSP) plays...

Skilled hackers can easily access your system and steal precious business information. Upgrade your cybersecurity

Taking your cybersecurity seriously is a must. Otherwise, you leave the door open for criminals to compromise your business’s privacy and cause legal troubles.  Now, you might think that cybercriminals only target large companies due to more resources. But that’s not the case.  Whether you’re a small or medium-sized organization, you have a large amount...

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