Private Cloud

Our private cloud offerings allow clients to retain control over their infrastructure and avoid losing control of their standards for information security. We supply a secure protected environment (physical space and electricity) along with the hypervisor which we maintain and protect.


Our colocation facilities provide space, power, cooling, and physical security for your servers, storage, and networking equipment. We can also connect you to a variety of telecommunications and network service providers with a minimum of cost and complexity.


You can’t go wrong with our multi-homed redundant network. We offer IP Transit and Data Center Interconnect solutions that won’t break the bank.


Whether you need help with a build-out or to perform maintenance on your equipment, we have you covered.

Our services

Your business relies on critical applications for success. We offer a wide range of custom-tailored datacenter offerings to solidify your Information Technology. Our focus is on reliability, redundancy, security, and performance.


Starting at $89/month


Starting at $39/month


Starting at $69/month

Private cloud

Starting at $9/month


Starting at $2/MB

Remote hands

Starting at $85/hr

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